
Yes everyone, It's that time of year again... Lent is here! I'm so excited for this liturgical season to start because I love it so much! It's 6 weeks of Jesus Boot Camp, come on what could be better! Lent is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting that prepares us for Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday. These forty days bring us so close to God. Through our sacrifices we are shaped more like Christ, this is such an amazing thing!

The typical question we all get during lent is "what are you giving up" while that is a valid question, I think a more appropriate one would be "why are you giving this up", you see lent is about dying to your worldly desires in order to grow closer to Christ. Examine your lenten promises to see if that is what you are truly trying to do.

 As most of you guys know the three pillars of Lent are Fasting, Prayer, and Almsgiving. Fasting is what you think it is, it's giving something up. This would be your typical I give up Chocolate or soda, but come on guys ya'll can do better than that! You can use this time to root out some evil in your lives like gossiping, or lying. You could also fast something you enjoy like Chocolate or meat and offer this up to God. Prayer is doing something different in your prayer life in order to strengthen your relationship with God, this can be reading a page of your bible each day, praying a rosary(maybe a decade), or going to Adoration. Lastly Almsgiving, this is doing something for someone else. If we want to be more like Jesus we need to reach out to others, help the people around us. This can be by giving someone a sincere complement, or performing a spiritual or corporal work of mercy. http://www.piercedhands.com/100-things-to-do-for-lent/ is an awesome article that i found where Meg Hunter gives some awesome ideas for what to do for Lent, in case some of you haven't gotten around to it :)

Remember the purpose of Lent this year, and really open your hearts to Jesus. Let him work in your lives and let him transform you.


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