My Morning Prayer

"Lord today bring me the broken, the hurt, and the lonely. Use me as an instrument of your peace. I pray that I be a light in the world today, use me to do your will"

I will never forget the first day I prayed this. I remember hearing it in a talk one day, the speaker said be prepared for what will come with this prayer. I honestly did not quite believe them when I heard the caution! But the first day I prayed this I had an unexpected talk with my cousin we hadn't really spoken for months because we had been so busy with our Junior year. We talked on the phone for hours she told me about her life, her struggles and stress. I asked her how her relationship with God was and she admitted that it wasn't the best. We prayed together that night over the phone and we both felt such an immense peace afterwards. That was the person that the Lord had chosen to touch through me that day and I was so honored! I must admit I was in awe at the power of that prayer. After that day it became my summer prayer.

School started soon after that, I got busy and for some reason stopped praying that prayer. Out of no where yesterday I felt the need to pray that prayer on my way to work. I said those words to Jesus remembering the first time I had said them. The Lord used me three times to settle uneasy hearts and to just be a listener and a comforter that day. I was able to see so clearly God's plan and how he was working. I am still amazed at the day and how the Lord works.

After my night I could not fall asleep I stayed up and prayed and it hurt my heart so much that the Joy that I experience through knowing Christ is not something that everyone knows. I could not bear the thought of that. Knowing that while I am Joyful there are people living in misery because they have never encountered Christ. I felt so overwhelmed because there are so many people in the world and there is no way I could ever help every single one of these souls on my own.

The Lord told me something that I already knew but didn't fully understand and He wanted me to share it with all of you. We are each in a phase of life right now that God wants us to be in, we are in this place at this time to do God's work. We are called to be witnesses of his love at work at home and to everyone we encounter. Pray this prayer every morning when you guys wake up! I can assure you that the Lord will bring you the people he wants you to help. Don't be afraid! He will give you the words to say all you need to do is be willing to do his will.


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