Come out of Hiding

My current favorite song is Come out of Hiding by Steffany Gretzinger and Amanda Cook. I can listen to it over and over again. If you feel so inclined click on the link and listen, you won't regret it!

Earlier this summer I went to my favorite spot in town and sat down looking at nature and thinking. I have found that my absolute favorite way to ground myself is to go out into creation, sit and think.

This particular day I was thinking about how people act one way when they are at home or alone and another way when they are with others. I was thinking about people that I know who are very shy and uncomfortable in public but in private they are crazy and totally themselves I was also thinking about some people who act like they are confident and have their whole life together but go home and their masks come off to reveal a shattered life. My heart broke.

I would say that I believe I am the same person all of the time. I don't try to hide who I am. I feel comfortable in my own skin (most of the time) and I'm not afraid of being myself or of what others think of me.

I was wondering and asking why this was when the answer came to me in a song... literally. I was listening to music and suddenly "Come out of Hiding" came on and BAM there was my answer (thanks Jesus).

The song starts out with the line...
"Come out of hiding you're safe here with me, there's no need to cover what I already see"
This verse explains perfectly why you shouldn't be afraid to be yourself. You are completely safe to be who you are in the arms of Christ. Psalm 139 says that "you have searched me Lord and you know me" He created you and knows everything about you so there is nothing you can hide from Him. He made you to be joyful in the way He created you because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

The song continues with the chorus...
"I loved you before you knew it was love"
This might be my favorite line in the whole song. I love it because it shows that God has always been there and will always be there loving you even when you don't see Him or feel Him. To know that the creator of all things loves you beyond words makes my heart swell with love and joy.

Another verse begins with...
"Now rid of the shackles my victory's yours, I tore the veil for you to come close"
Jesus came to bring us salvation. He tore the veil between heaven and earth so that we could come close to Him. One of the amazing things that happened when Jesus died on that cross is that we no longer have to carry our cross alone. Whatever it is that you are holding onto that make it feel like you are shackled to the ground you can set yourself free! God died so you could be free His victory is our victory. So throw off your shackles and go running into the arms of Christ.

Guys, we are made to be free and unafraid! Don't let yourself be held down by anything! Be joyful, laugh often and seek beauty in every day. Come out of Hiding.


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