Vance Joy

Ok listen. I love Vance Joy. His music speaks to my soul and makes me VERY happy.

I got to see him in concert.

It was exciting therefore I had to share it!

Ok so my experience was awesome. It was open admission which was great because I got to stand in the front only a few feet away from his highly handsome face.

One thing I loved was how happy he was! I mean he kept on smiling and was amazed that we knew the words to his songs! If you guys don't know who he is here are a few of my favorite songs of his that I recommend you listen to...

1. Riptide (of course, his best known song)
2. Mess is mine
3. First time
4. Who am I
5. Fire and the flood

If you are already a fan of this handsome Australian then these are some artists I would recommend...

1. James Bay
2. Hoizer
3. George Ezra
4. Jamie Lawson
5. Mumford and Sons


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