Iced, frappé, hot, sweet... I like it ALL.
Being the studious college student that I am, I have discovered one thing, COFFEE IS A COLLEGE STUDENTS BEST FREIND. Yes I did it, I fell into the addiction, but hey its ok It's delicious right!
The other day I was sitting at daily mass next to my best friend when my mind started wandering off to coffee (I guess I was really looking forward to our coffee date). The word gather popped up in my mind. Then everything clicked. There is something about a good cup of coffee that brings people together.
This past year I have been on more coffee dates than I have ever had my entire life before combined. And I loved it! I love sitting with someone and getting to know them, catching up with them, or simply spending quality time with them over a cup of something warm and sweet.
I think it is so important to slow down in life and spend time with the incredible people that surround you daily. It is so easy to be swept up by daily activities and feel like there is no time to give away to others. But think about how precious it is when someone receives the sweet gift of your time, I know I love it! When you take time out of your busy week to sit and have a good talk with someone it fills your heart and you can't help but smile.
I challenge you to ask someone out on a coffee date. Ask someone who you have always wanted to get to know better, someone you love, someone you haven't caught up with in a while. Trust me your heart will be so full after.
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