He pursues my heart

Can you feel it?
How much God longs for you?
Honestly ladies, I don’t always feel it. There I said it. I
don’t always FEEL like I am deserving of the grace and love of God. I feel like
He shouldn’t love someone like me, a sinner who tries and tries but fails often.
But one thing I always KNOW is that the Lords mercy and love are always there;
even if I don’t feel it He never stops loving me and pursuing my heart.
When I feel like I am undeserving and unlovable the Lord
never fails to slap some sense into me and break my walls of shame and
worthlessness. He breaks into my heart and shows me his unending love!
There is one verse that the Lord has been replaying in my
heart every single day for about a month now. It is Lamentations 3:22-23 which
says, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to
an end; they are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.”
If you are a major sinner (like this girl right here)
hearing that verse is like the chamomile tea to for your soul. It is so
comforting and relaxing knowing that no matter how much you mess up, every day
is new and the Lord NEVER ever stops pursuing your heart and pouring out his
never ending grace.
We say it every day at mass “Lord I am not worthy that you
should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed”
Literally this statement is me every day. I am in awe that God wants to dwell
in my body and soul. Every day we acknowledge that we are not worthy of God yet
every day he tells us that he wills for our souls to be healed and filled with
Him. How beautiful is that!
Sometimes it brings me to tears the lengths that the Lord
will go to show me how much he loves me and how he is always present in my
life. He goes out of his way to show me that I am his beloved. The Lord does
little things and big things to remind each and every one of us daily of his
love. All we need to do is listen and be open to receive all of his little love
I feel like most of us know about God’s love for us. We know that the Lord loves us and that we are made new every day but have you really internalized that statement? Do you believe it with your whole being? Just spend a few moments thinking about that. Think about what a great father we all have that he would love us forever despite our sinfulness.
Now if most of us know about God’s unending love and mercy,
it is our job to tell the world about it! Put yourselves in another woman’s
shoes… Imagine that you are a young lady trying to find yourself in this big
confusing world. You are filled with shame when you think of all of your past
mistakes, you are trying to get back on your feet but are never really able to
let go of the past. Imagine growing up without having the knowledge that there
is a man who died for all of your sins. Imagine not knowing that you are loved
beyond belief.
That’s a really scary place to be ya’ll. We should be thankful
that we know about the Mercy of the Lord. But not all of our brothers and
sisters know about it!
This is the year of Mercy ladies! Lets step it up. ALWAYS
remember that you are loved, beautiful and important. Spread the word spread
the love to those around you. Be a light during this year of Mercy and show
others the beautiful mercy of our God.
This made me so happy!!