This past weekend I went to San Juan Bautista for a Youth Group retreat. This was my last retreat as a high school student so my emotions were running high. The theme this year was Glory Revealed and my oh my was the retreat true to it's name. The weekend was full of prayer, journaling, fun, fellowship and delicious food! I was able to sit in the quiet beauty of nature and just talk to God. It felt so right and peaceful. I encountered the face of Christ in the beautiful nature, adoration and in the hearts of all of the participants and leaders. Here are a few pictures of the time I spent on the retreat!
This Statue of Mother Mary was sitting on a little island by the stations of the cross trail, it was so beautiful! My friend and I couldn't resist sitting there and praying a Divine Mercy.
Girls nights are the best nights are the best nights! We stayed up until 1am playing Mafia and talking. The room was full of giggles, shushes, and sleepy eyes. Also shout out to Lauren for being such an amazing roommate this weekend!
We all woke up at 5:50 to watch the beautiful sunrise on the mountain top, but the sun was no where to be seen! We were all extremely sleepy but had fun enjoying each others company.
I could not believe how much Christ shone through these people this weekend. I see so many future leaders and ministers in this group we have. It was beautiful to witness their relationship with Christ and each other transform throughout the weekend. I can't wait to come back home and see the path God is leading each one of them all!
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